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Electrical Characteristics

Absolute Maximum Ratings

Stresses exceeding the maximum ratings may permanently damage the device or affect reliability. The device may not function or be operable outside the recommended operating conditions (see below).

Parameter Min. Max. Unit
Main Supply Voltage (VEXT) -36 36 V
Main Supply Current (IEXT) 0 2 A
Backup Supply Voltage (VBATT) -0.3 4.7 V
Backup Supply Current (IBATT) 0 2 A
External I/O Voltage (VIO) -0.3 36 V
Internal I/O Voltage (VPIN) -0.3 3.6 V
CAN Bus Voltage (VCAN) -36 36 V
Relay Output Current (IOUT) 0 1.3 A
Operating Temperature (TOP) -40 +85 °C

Standard Operating Conditions

Unless otherwise stated all the following characteristics apply to these standard operating conditions.

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Main Supply Voltage (VEXT) 8 12 / 24 32 V
Backup Supply Voltage (VBATT) 3.5 3.8 4.3 V
External I/O Voltage (VIO) 0 32 V
Internal I/O Voltage (VPIN) 0 3.3 V
Ambient Temperature (TA) (1,2) -35 25 +80 °C


  1. Operating the modem outside the recommended temperature range may lead to RF performance issues
  2. When powered from a battery source the system operating temperature is limited by the battery own temperature range.
    The LiPo battery in the Polaris Kit has a discharge temperature of -20/+60°C, while charging is restricted by software to 0/40°C.

Digital Output Pin Characteristics

Active ratings apply to Main connector pins AIO1-4 and DIO5-6 when used as relay driving outputs. Passive ratings, such as leakage and clamp voltage, always apply.

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Output Current (IOUT) 0 0.18 0.6 A
Output ON Resistance (RON) 1.5 3.0
Output Switching Time (tOUT) 30 50 µs
Output Overload Current (IOVER) 0.6 0.95 1.3 A
Output Overload Delay (tOVER) 3 15 50 µs
Output Clamp Voltage (VCLAMP) 36 40 44 V
Output Detection Current (IDET) 20 60 100 µA
Output Detection Threshold (VTH) 1.0 1.75 2.5 V
Output Detection Time (tDET) 30 115 200 µs
Output Leakage Current (ILEAK) (1) 1 5 10 µA


  1. Additional leakage current is present due to analog and digital input circuits on the same output channel

Digital Input Pin Characteristics

Below ratings apply to Main connector pins IGN/DIO5 (active high) and SOS/DIO6 (active low) when used as digital inputs. Passive ratings, such as leakage or impedance, always apply.

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Input Current DIO5 (RIN5) (1) 0 515 µA
Input Current DIO6 (RIN6) (1) -47 325 µA
Input Threshold DIO5 (VTH5) 1.0 1.5 2.0 V
Input Threshold DIO6 (VTH6) 2.4 2.7 3.0 V


  1. Input current varies with input voltage (0-32V)

Analog Input Pin Characteristics

Below ratings apply to Main connector pins AIO1-4 when used as analog inputs. Passive ratings, such as leakage and impedance, always apply.

Parameter Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Input Resistance (RIN) 540 (1)

250 (2)
1000 (1)
Input Current (IIN) (3) 5

Input -3dB Bandwidth (FAIN) 15.9 29.5 Hz


  1. Input resistance is affected by configured input voltage range (High = 0-32V, Low = 0-5V)
  2. Input resistance is 250 Ω when the pin is used as 4-20 mA input (AIO1-2 when Output Ch 7-8 is ON)
  3. Input current depends on the applied voltage and the pin configuration (does not include driver output current)


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